A D M I S S I O N - O P E N
NH-27, Near Police Lines Road, Baran
Opening Hours: Monday to Saturay - 7 AM to 5 PM


To the Journey Ahead

Academic Program

We believe that a rigorous academic program combined with a supportive social-emotional curriculum leads to scholar success. APEX ACADEMICS program reflects the practices that are associated with high-performing urban schools: more time on task; standards-based instruction; research-based curricula; regular assessments; nightly homework; and horizon-broadening enrichment opportunities.

* Download Apex Academic Curriculum *

Teaching Methodology :

Regular analysis of and reflection on scholar progress is central to APEX culture and to achieving our mission.

Our teaching methodology ensures that students are being exposed to a holistic education experience in an active and dynamic learning environment, giving them the opportunity to achieve excellence by identifying and realizing their potential. Instructional strategies are student-centered and include active learning, inquiry, experience-based learning and cooperative and participative learning activities.

All scholars take the Terra Nova (Complete Battery for Grades K-2, Common Core for Grades3-5). This both complies with our Charter Accountability Goals, and gives the school an end-of-year snapshot of scholar mastery of grade-level standards;